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A Little of Athens | 2020-2024

Athens. We’ve lived here for thirty years now. I actually first lived here in 1993. But my wife Cassi and I moved here in ’94 permanently, had our son and worked and lived here since.

The two of us over the last many years have documented this city on our PhotoWalks almost obsessively.

Aside from its longevity, this city has that indefinable flavour that keeps you staying here even though it is not the easiest of places, especially for us since Brexit really put a lot of damage on British expats.

Yet here it damn well is, an almost magical place.

My architect cousin from Canada perhaps came closest to expressing what it is about the place that gets you. We were walking around in the oldest part of the city one day and he stopped dead, and with a big grin on his face said “My god I have missed this. Living in Canada as an Iranian, as beautiful and exciting as the place is, this ancient energy under your feet is what I’ve missed!”

And that is as close as anyone has come to describing why Athens is magical to my knowledge

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