In 1993 I took a long and most exciting trip through many of the Western States of the U.S. I had with me a Nikon FM 35mm and a Mamiya 6×4.5 medium format camera, a few lenses and an large amount of black & white 120 roll film.
The road trip took me and my girlfriend at the time all over the area known as Indian Country (an interesting euphemism for stolen land from Native American tribes that once thrived in the whole region). This are is now more or less the entire states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, Nevada and much of California. Aside from Texas we drove through all the other states mentioned in that list. It was an amazing eye opener of a journey. I am really happy that I got the opportunity to do the trip and to photograph it.
In 2007 my company at the time, the lost and lamented 3 in a box design associates, decide to publish a book with an account of the journey and a selection of my B&W photos from the vast series, in a limited print run.
Today there are only 30 copies left and I have decided to make these available for sale on ETSY.
(Links below)